Polanski has dodged his sentence, what a shame

Editor, While I have loved a few Roman Polanski movies, such as ‘The Pianist’, I’m saddened by the news that the Swiss government has refused to extradite him to the United States to face the music.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Roman Polanskiu2019s arrest in 1978


While I have loved a few Roman Polanski movies, such as ‘The Pianist’, I’m saddened by the news that the Swiss government has refused to extradite him to the United States to face the music.

He admitted to having ‘unlawful sexual relations’ with a 13 year old, who he had drugged as well, before fleeing the country to France, where he became a citizen. Are there rules for the rich and powerful and others for the rest of us? What kind of message does this send out?

The worst part is that very few people actually thought he would face the music.

Honestly, I think he’s a coward for not facing the music. If he had taken his medicine he would not have had to live in exile all these years.

Sam Rwego