Thanks for your contribution…

The Children Times team wishes to thank all the children who participated in giving out their views on different topics in the year 2008.

Monday, January 07, 2008

The Children Times team wishes to thank all the children who participated in giving out their views on different topics in the year 2008.

Special thanks go to all head teachers and the principals of the school for giving us time to speak to their children. The children’s magazine aims at giving children a platform to express them selves through different ways.

Children can send their hand written articles, drawings, letters, poems, artisan and creative work to be published free of charge in the magazine.

The Children’s Times also finds it convenient to speak face to face with the children as they give out their views.  

Children have the right to express them selves through the press. The New Times does not charge any money for children to appear in the Children Times Magazine.

Every child, Children NGO’s have the freedom to invite any reporter to report on their children’s activities, ceremonies to mention but a few.

In the photos are some of the children whose ideas were voiced in this magazine, some of these children are no longer in primary, they have joined secondary schools.

Dear children, The Children’s Times team wish you
a term of hard work. Live to be intelligent and wise. By God’s grace, live to exploit all you dreams we love you all. 

The Children’s Times is open to every child, children who wish develop their writing skills, their work is highly welcome.

They may use the Children’s Times e-mail address to send their
work or articles.

If you can’t afford going to the internet café, you may call 08746044. The person in charge will come and collect your work for publication. Thanks and happy New Year.          
