Yesterday the new term began, girls spoke out

In Rwanda, people greet with hugs and kisses. While in Uganda (for some tribes), ladies kneel down as they greet their elders as a sign of respect.

Monday, January 07, 2008

In Rwanda, people greet with hugs and kisses. While in Uganda (for some tribes), ladies kneel down as they greet their elders as a sign of respect.

The girls from association of young men and women, students from all walks of life who prefer to go by the name Isange Youth Club talked to the New Times about this Kiganda culture and their school life styles.

Evelyn Katikati

Every time school starts and I know I have to go to Uganda, I become restless. I prefer our own way of hugging and giving bisous (kisses).

Egidia Uwera

I have to read hard because I must be the best in my class all the time. I hate this business of exploiting women because sometimes it’s done out of fear.

Diane Mukeshimana

School is not the best place for me; you have to read very hard and I don’t like it. Kneeling is another insult to me.

Sanyu Joy

I like school so much and I have no problem kneeling when ever I go to Kampala. You have to respect every one’s culture.

Solene Jose Isugi

The longest holiday I have ever had is finally over. I don’t care how long my term will be because I enjoy being at school than home. Kneeling is a dream beyond my reach.

Umutesi Juliet

For me school time is just like any other days. I am hoping that the term will end when I’ve gotten saved. To me hugging is easier than kneeling down to greet some one.

Uwamahoro Isabella

School is quite adventurous for me though I will miss watching movies, eating nice food and going for parties. I prefer hugging to kneeling.

Florence Kayibanda

I like going back to school. I like it when we discuss about the genocide because we help in curbing its ideology among the youths. Kneeling is an unacceptable culture in Rwanda.

Mirelle Ishimwe

I like to meet new friends every time we go back to school. I don’t like kneeling even if I am in Uganda, I feel comfortable when I hug a friend while greeting him or her.

Muvunyi Nounou

I was missing my friends so much but now I will miss playing with my young brothers. Kneeling is only to Uganda, I prefer hugging and pecking people while greeting them.   

Lynette Umutoni

I like being the first but I hate the way I must work hard for that. While in Rome, behave like a Roman. So, when am in Uganda, I don’t mind kneeling down to greet.

Peace Muriel

Oh I miss school! Home is always boring. At last we are going back. I feel much complex kneeling down to greet someone.
