Guys, this is so annoying but above all, it nags. There is this group of people who like being what they are actually not. They pull kind of stunts like speaking some kazungu even when he knows that you do not know the language while others like associating themselves with places they have never been to!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Guys, this is so annoying but above all, it nags. There is this group of people who like being what they are actually not.

They pull kind of stunts like speaking some kazungu even when he knows that you do not know the language while others like associating themselves with places they have never been to!

I met a group of guys last week at Kisementi and they stopped me! They asked me if I spoke English and immediately I realized their kazungu was not good!

I told them that I tried to speak it so they told me that they had completed studies from Riviera High School in 2009 and that they did not know Kinyarwanda! I looked at the guys and I was shocked! Guys when I say that we need to style up please understand me!

These guys were just faking around and trying to pull local stunts on me. Yes we do encourage speaking English but do not misuse the language! And about going to Riviera, very funny!

That was my former school and I was in the 2009 promotion! I had never seen these faces before! Please let’s style up and always be ourselves and true to who we are. This will save us the embarrassment!!
