MINI trade exhibitions for this year, jointly organized by the Private Sector Federation (PSF) and the Ministry of Commerce, commenced on Friday. Exhibitors were called upon to learn from each other.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

MINI trade exhibitions for this year, jointly organized by the Private Sector Federation (PSF) and the Ministry of Commerce, commenced on Friday.

Exhibitors were called upon to learn from each other. This is important for them to grow their businesses and also tap new markets and, above all, learn and understand new trends in their various businesses sectors.

By consistently carrying out exhibitions throughout the country, PSF and the Ministry of Commerce recognize that business and production in the countryside is a cornerstone for further growth of the private sector.

Therefore, the mini expos that target different parts of the country will help small business owners and small scale farmers across the country to showcase their services and products, and at the same time, open up to new ideas, from colleagues and experts.

All businesspeople and service providers ought to take advantage of opportunities like exhibitions, to improve on the way they do business by being more competitive, innovative and providing good customer care.

Moreover, with the coming into effect of the East African Common Market, our business community has to adopt new strategies in order to compete regionally, and it is through iin initiatives such events as expositions that they are able to learn new ways of doing business.

PSF and the Ministry of Commerce should be commended and fully supported in this endeavor, bearing in mind that the private sector is key to economic growth.
