Who said chick flicks are for women only?

You are probably going to tell me that the reason they are called chick flicks is because they are for chicks. Not necessarily. It is because women relate to them more.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You are probably going to tell me that the reason they are called chick flicks is because they are for chicks. Not necessarily. It is because women relate to them more.

Some men pretend to be all macho and the minute the girlfriend leaves the house, he’s watching Pretty Woman.
I really do not understand why men find it necessary to shy away from such movies.

Please don’t get me wrong but I think a man who can’t watch a chick flick is not romantic whatsoever. What kind of guy sits on action movies all day?

Not saying that they aren’t interesting but flying bullets all day long is more than most women can stomach.
Imagine a guy inviting you over to his place for a cozy night in and a quiet dinner. Everything is going beautifully with wine, candles and soft jazz music.

After that romantic dinner, you are in a really lovey dovey mood and would like nothing more than to cuddle in the sofa. He suggests a movie, in the mood you’re in you are thinking more in the lines of The Notebook. But to your utter horror he finds it fit to put in Die Hard!

Try and convince me that any trace of romance can still be found. Why did he even bother with the music and candles?  It would have made more sense if he’d ordered for a pizza and beer and you just chill!

Am sure there are guys out there that can watch these movies and not be embarrassed about it. It doesn’t make them any less a man than the rest. Besides does that make the guys who act them girly?

Please do not tell me that that is a different case because at the end of it all they are acting. You can also act like as if you enjoy the movie when inside you are screaming for it to end.

A friend of mine once caught her boyfriend watching 10 things I hate about you. He sprang from the chair fidgeting to find the remote control and with an almost slight trace of anger on his face as if he’d been rudely interrupted.

It was like grabbing your child watching an adult tape!
Why he felt so fake about it is what she will never understand. If you want to watch the movie, just do it. Do not wait for me to leave the house then start looking for my Desperate Housewives DVD’s or my cosmopolitan magazines!

You don’t see a woman acting funny when she’s caught watching Rambo or Commando do you? Do not shy away from your soft side. You’ve heard the movie is great so just watch it. It doesn’t matter if it is an all women cast.

Men act like they are allergic to love stories and that is why women assume all men are players. If it irritates you so much to watch a love story, it’s only fair to assume that in real life you’re not any good at it either!
