A day in the life of.... : Jean Marie Vianney Ndayishimye

Jean Marie Vianney Ndayishimye is the Director of Gisimba Memorial Centre in Nyamirambo, an ophange taking care for about 190 children. They include primary school pupils, secondary school students and others from institutions.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jean Marie Vianney Ndayishimye

Jean Marie Vianney Ndayishimye is the Director of Gisimba Memorial Centre in Nyamirambo, an ophange taking care for about 190 children.

They include primary school pupils, secondary school students and others from institutions. He is in charge ensuring not only their safety but their education as well, among others.

Below he shares with you his typical day of work:
I wake up at 5 a.m; listen to news before I bathe. By 7:45a.m, I am through with breakfast and ready to set for work. It takes me about 45 minutes from Kanombe to the work place.

The first 30 minutes are dedicated to inspecting the hygiene levels in all parts of the orphanage.  

When I get in the office, I check on my ‘get it done today,’ the day’s programme. I then start on the day’s work, which includes writing various reports, responding to urgent mails as I also look around for measures to maintain the lives of the children in the orphanage.

This includes means of feeding them, searching for funds to pay their school dues through approaching several institutions and making online requests.

I have lunch between 1 and 2p.m. In the afternoon, I check on my staff to inspect on the day’s activities and conditions of the children. I work until 5 but I may come back at work any time I am called in case of any urgent need. I have supper at 9p.m and get to bed at 10.
