The secret life of... : Augustin Mukezangabo

Augustin Mukezangabo is the Director of La Palisse hotel. He says his investment plans in the hotel industry do not target the Rwandan population only but also involve looking around for attractive areas for tourists.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Augustin Mukezangabo is the Director of La Palisse hotel. He says his investment plans in the hotel industry do not target the Rwandan population only but also involve looking around for attractive areas for tourists. So, is there more we can learn about the man called Mukezangabo? Read on:

The first thing you do in the morning
I start my day with an opening prayer

When are you happiest?
Whenever I accomplish my target on various undertakings
Greatest fear
Failure of my plans 

Affectionate memory of your parents
They had love for their family
The most important thing life has taught you
People have to work hard for what they wish to achieve

What keeps you awake at night?
When I realize that I have trusted a person who is not worthy and we conflict  

Greatest achievement
It’s what people consider about me
During your free time
I reflect on the past to set the next move 

Retirement plans
I am a businessman forever