Nyagatare District, bravo!

My heart felt appreciation and congratulations go out to the district management and administration of Nyagatare.

Monday, January 07, 2008

My heart felt appreciation and congratulations go out to the district management and administration of Nyagatare.

This is in response to the recent achievement they registered when they last Friday were honoured by the minister of Local government for outstanding performance in 2007.

Handing over the trophy, amid ululation, at Umutara Polytechnic gardens, Protais Musoni asked the leaders and residents to maintain the lead even in this year’s performance.

I am sure they must have considered our efforts towards economic revolution that appears to me as green revolution because we embraced the program leading to increased production.

The district also scored highly in refurbishing Rukomo trading centre which gave the area a new look. I also thank the Mayor Robert Kashemeza because he has brought the pride to all residents through a combined effort.

This trophy was won on a national level and we would love to feel that it belongs to all residents and not leaders only because they [residents] responded positively to all calls.

I urge that more efforts should be put on families in the next phase of the 2008 contracts; with emphasis on sanitation and security as cornerstone to development.

It was out of dogged determination to emerge winners and we should strive to maintain our position. Leaders should also accord work more time as an answer to economic and social challenges.

Resident, Nyagatare