Methane gas extraction is taking too long

Editor, Am I the only one who thinks that the methane gas project is taking too long? I had thought that I was going to see a reduction of my electricity bill but it seems that the long-awaited extraction of methane gas from Lake Kivu is going to take more time that I thought.

Friday, July 09, 2010
A methane gas extraction rig on Lake Kivu.


Am I the only one who thinks that the methane gas project is taking too long? I had thought that I was going to see a reduction of my electricity bill but it seems that the long-awaited extraction of methane gas from Lake Kivu is going to take more time that I thought.

I learnt that the machinery required to extract the gas has only just arrived from Kenya. What is going on, and why the delay? Can someone tell us?

Sheila Ntare