Such parents need condemnation

I am writing in response to the story that run in the New Times on Sunday 6th January about Patrick Mbarushimana’s woes and callous father.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I am writing in response to the story that run in the New Times on Sunday 6th January about Patrick Mbarushimana’s woes and callous father.

His story is so touching that I have picked my own lessons and want to share with my fellow parents. Patrick was mistreated so much and as if that was not enough, he was tortured until he lost his limbs.

Even if the child was overwhelmingly mischievous, he certainly didn’t deserve the punishment he got under any circumstance. I just cannot believe that there still live among us heartless people even after the trying times of 1994.

To my amazement another story of a man who killed his wife and committed suicide was published the other day.

What I don’t quite understand is whether such parents do these callous things under the influence of certain forces or in their right mind. But one thing I am sure of is that one day all works, good or bad will be brought to judgment and I am patiently waiting for what God will reward such inconsiderate people as Patrick’s father.
