Thanks for the new hope

On this is particular day, all the children were happy and proud of their church. One may ask why? It is because churches with a great vision know how to organise help for their church members.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

On this is particular day, all the children were happy and proud of their church. One may ask why? It is because churches with a great vision know how to organise help for their church members.

How do they help them? According to the discussions we had with one of those church members, we were informed that, the church supports them in many ways.

First as a church, they help them by teaching the word of God, apart from that there is counseling for family conflicts as well some other problems.

For the children, they are taught to conduct themselves well, obey their parents, and their elders.

For the orphans and HIV victims, it is a long story. The children I asked told me they are glad because they feel supported in their education and in their daily life. For me, this kind of help for Rwandans and young teenagers is well thought of.

If it is done all over the country even poor families and their children will find their way of studying.

It feels good when someone is by your side in happiness and sorrow. Even if he or she does not offer you many things, only the care offered can sooth the pain.

Parents must understand that it is not only about sending children to school but they should also find some time with their children so that they express their feelings, needs , what they like or they do not like. To leaders in the churches and also parents I can say thank you for your everyday support and encouragement. Please carry on with the good work.
