Musoni urges sector leaders to be innovative

  EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — The Minister of Local government, Protais Musoni, has advised Sector executive secretaries to be innovative, saying it was the only way to create jobs as a gateway to development.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


GATSIBO — The Minister of Local government, Protais Musoni, has advised Sector executive secretaries to be innovative, saying it was the only way to create jobs as a gateway to development.

He was officiating at the signing of this year’s performance contracts last week at the district head quarters in Kabarore.

He said that though the executive secretaries from the 14 sectors of the district had shown dedication and performed ‘relatively’ well in good governance, social welfare and economic development; they needed an extra virtue of innovativeness.

"You are the ones responsible for the development of your sectors and to do this, you have to be more creative in order to improve the living standards of the residents," Musoni said.

Jackson Muvunyi, the executive secretary of Murambi sector, said they would take up the advice through creating cooperatives and setting up small scale industries for residents.

"Agriculture is the main activity for people living in villages so we shall find a way of processing agricultural products into finished commodities and by so doing, we shall create more jobs and income for residents," Muvunyi said.

Others that attended the graceful ceremony were the Mayor John Murego, the State minister of Agriculture Dalphose Gahakwa and other district officials.
