Regional directory launched

An East African directory that pools essential information on East Africa was launched Yesterday, in Kampala. According to Dr Davis Musinguzi, the General Manager of the project, the aim of publishing the directory is to assist all regional citizens and foreigners who may be in need of regional services.

Sunday, July 04, 2010
Dr Davis Musinguzi (L) at the Directoryu2019s launch (Photo E. Kabera)

An East African directory that pools essential information on East Africa was launched Yesterday, in Kampala.

According to Dr Davis Musinguzi, the General Manager of the project, the aim of publishing the directory is to assist all regional citizens and foreigners who may be in need of regional services.

He revealed that the directory, which is in both online and in print versions, will be distributed to all Post Offices among member states of  the East African Community (EAC).

This comes soon after the coming into force of the EA Common Market which permits free movement of people, labour, capital, goods and services.

The directory’s Marketing Executive, Davis Toshiba, said that it will be accessed by all people, even in the village on cell phones.

"We want all the people in the region to know more about the new protocol and direction. So someone who can’t access post offices will have to dial a code number which will be issued later on,” Toshiba said.
