Neighbour Diaries: Heartbreaker

Jasmine is a heartbreaker. She is a cold hearted piece of work, with a cold heart beating inside that pretty chest of hers. But that isn’t surprising; wolves like to hide in sheep skin. I took this new surprising information calmly; am a reasonable guy, I don’t let my opinions interfere with my logic.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Jasmine is a heartbreaker. She is a cold hearted piece of work, with a cold heart beating inside that pretty chest of hers. But that isn’t surprising; wolves like to hide in sheep skin.

I took this new surprising information calmly; am a reasonable guy, I don’t let my opinions interfere with my logic. It is obviously her flawless looks that make her so irresistible, and I understand why guys seem to take just one look at her angelic face, and they become insanely smitten by her. I have felt that attraction too, but I am a strong man, I can control my emotions.

Roger told me that guys went suicidal about Jasmine. One guy had actually succeeded in murdering himself by jumping off a building when she told him she had never loved him, and would never love such a "creep” like him.

All this happened because the poor guy proposed to her! That girl is evil. And the unexpectedness of her viciousness makes the shock of the rejection much more devastating. For such a sweet looking girl, she is impressively cold hearted.

So my mission was justified. I looked at it as a justice of sorts. I get to serve her a taste of her own bitter medicine. But I was a little worried at how attracted to her I felt.

Each day that passed, I found myself wanting her for myself - I believe it’s the same feeling that has made many guys fall prey to her! Then I remember the embarrassment, and I want to teach her a lesson.  She deserves everything I have in store for her.

For a week, I observed this Jasmine chic, and I must say she does attract a fair amount of attention from the male species. In just the six days I watched her, she was brought back home by five different guys, none of whom drives anything that is Japanese-made.

Roger, her brother, turned out to be a very useful source of information.  He told me about this fella who is so hooked on Jasmine, he delivers flowers every day. I mean, every single day, this dude has a bouquet of flowers delivered to the chic.

He’s taken her to Paris to shop, taken her and her friends to London for a holiday. He showers her with gifts. And from what I have seen she doesn’t come cheap at all!

Roger actually feels sorry for me, already imagining his sister emptying my wallet. And it doesn’t need a genius to figure out that my wallet isn’t heavy, at least not by the standards Jasmine operates at. Well, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Some days later, meeting up with my friends, Jasmine walked into the bar. Within seconds, everyone’s attention was on her; both guys and chics! She made every other chic in the place look like a hag!

She was with some guy who, just by being with her, looked like he’d just won the lottery. I understood his feeling; Jasmine looked like a million dollar note! But I knew that underneath her dazzling exterior, lay an iceberg of titanic proportions.

About ten minutes later, I saw her talking on phone. Then, she made as if to leave. Her date stood up, probably inquiring where she was going. She simply walked away, without even answering him. Then he grabbed her hand.

Everyone in the bar, discreetly staring at the girl, was now watching the unfolding drama.  She turned and clearly enough told the guy not to ever lay his filthy hands on her again. "Where am going, that is none of your business.”

Totally embarrassed, the guy sat down again. Then she turned and said, "Don’t call me again, Martin. You really are not my type,” and she walked out. Typical "Jasmine-style” breakup!

Then I heard Chris, my friend say, "Guys, that chic is crazy! I have to get that chic! She is the hottest chic I have ever known”.

And I got alarmed, because Chris is the smoothest operator I have ever known.  While my record for netting girls is about 85% success rate, Chris must be operating at 100% success rate. He has never failed to get any girl he sets his sights on.
