Women and Heart Disease

With rapid development world over and changes in life style, non communicable diseases like hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes are increasing in prevalence and severity. Coronary artery disease is the number 1 killer disease among all diseases of the heart. Although heart diseases affect both men and women, women have peculiar risk factors and manifestations of affection of the heart, thus delaying the diagnosis and good treatment.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

With rapid development world over and changes in life style, non communicable diseases like hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes are increasing in prevalence and severity. Coronary artery disease is the number 1 killer disease among all diseases of the heart. Although heart diseases affect both men and women, women have peculiar risk factors and manifestations of affection of the heart, thus delaying the diagnosis and good treatment.

Before menopause, women are protected from coronary artery disease due to estrogens, the feminizing hormone.

But after menopause, when the protective effect of this hormone is withdrawn, they become more vulnerable to heart attacks. Women who take contraceptive pills are more prone to develop deposition of fat over blood vessels, high lipid levels and disease of the coronary vessels.

Formation of blood clot in the blood vessels during pregnancy and or delivery makes some women more susceptible to heart disease.

As such women are emotionally more sensitive and tend to develop mental stress more easily which makes them more vulnerable to heart problems .During and after menopause many women suffer from depression. This prevents them from taking adequate exercise and the correct diet for prevention of heart  problems.

Women tend to have more central obesity ( fat  deposits  in stomach) and from a much younger age as compared to men. The result is that they tend to suffer more from the effects of central obesity, i.e. diabetes, hypertension and  cardiac problems.

In case of women who smoke or take alcohol are more vulnerable to heart diseases as compared to men, because their delicate body is not capable of handling   these harmful products very well.

Features of heart disease tend to be different in women, from men. They usually do not suffer from the typical chest pain as in men. Rather the pain tends to be more in the neck, upper back or any other uncommon site.

At times instead of pain they may feel nausea, giddiness, breathlessness or only fatigue. Because of these atypical features, diagnosis of heart disease is often delayed or missed.

In women, apart from the main coronary vessels (which supply blood to heart), smaller blood vessels are also often blocked. They tend to suffer more from breathlessness on exertion, as compared to men.

Statistics show that more elderly women suffer from heart problems than men and   more women die due to heart problems than breast cancer. Considering these risk factors making women more vulnerable to heart diseases it is prudent  to avoid heart problems.

Eating a correct diet is very important to avoid central obesity and its related problems, particularly heart problems.  Food should contain plenty of green vegetables, fresh  fruits, whole grains and cereals. Regarding meat products, except fish all others should be avoided as meat products can increase cholesterol and obesity.

Regular exercise is useful to avoid deposition of fat   in the middle of the body and thighs. Therefore it is important      to do exercise daily at least for 30 minutes. Girls should be   encouraged to be physically active since childhood.

Household work like cleaning, washing, gardening, e.t.c provide good opportunity  for  doing physical work provided it is done by hands without machines.

Contraceptive pills is a good option for spacing between births of  2 children but  once a woman has no desire for more children, it is better to go for permanent sterilization or withdrawal intercourse instead of taking pills.

Alcohol and smoking are harmful and pose many health hazards. Therefore they   should be best avoided. Women should be careful to take adequate physical rest.

Mental stress should be avoided by relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation.  Keeping oneself busy with creative activities is beneficial as it keeps off mental stress and depression.

Women tend  to be careless for taking regular medicines, which is not good. If they have high  blood pressure and diabetes they should be compliant with the medication to avoid developing heart problem.

In case a lady is suffers from any symptoms suggestive of heart disease, she should not hesitate to be investigated and needs to be compliant with the treatment .

If a woman is careful enough with her life style, there is no reason why she should develop heart problem.

E=mail -rachna212002@yahoo.co.uk