Society : Wicked side of internet

I learnt about Face book when it was founded by Mark Zackerberg in 2004 but I didn’t join because of various factors.  I would go to the café just to check and send an email and that was all.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

I learnt about Face book when it was founded by Mark Zackerberg in 2004 but I didn’t join because of various factors.  I would go to the café just to check and send an email and that was all.

I became reluctant to join Face book because I liked enjoying my privacy very much. I tried to keep a distance from the public and friends because books and meditation took much of my time off from the work place. Now days I have shifted from reading to surfing- addiction.

Last month, a fundamental friend of mine, out of curiosity convinced me to open a face book account. To my surprise I found most of my role models, old high school and primary friends and VIPs on this social networking channel.

Before I learnt about the security terms I found myself slowly turning into an amateur hacker. I was persuaded to invite the president of Burundi and posted DRC’s president’s profile on my social network page which scared the hell out of me until a week passed without something bad happening to me.

I later got freedom of conscience because my intention was just out of curiosity for being on the World Wide Web.

I have discovered that some of my interests are now available to the different types of people. Commenting philosophically on friends’ walls has almost raised dust between them and I because of being an addicted writer.

I can’t help avoiding writing on my face book wall whenever a burning idea strikes.  However, some of my fellow face bookers misunderstand me when I write because most of them reading comprehensive philosophical comprehensions are not their hobbies even when it is always just a single, precise and simple sentence. I have read about online relationship- break ups and other scandals.

I am afraid some skilled first class hackers might criminalize me after failing to comprehend or just feel jealous for my purpose on face book. The Sun, November 2nd 2009,Face book killing suspect Peter Chapman tried to seduce a second look alike of his fiancé who had jilted him and used a teen’s photo of Paul Arnold to befriend over  6000 women and girls.

Last time an old friend commented on my wall that I was about to be insane and it psychologically tortured me. I felt like sending this social networking web to hell.

Sometimes I write on my wall requesting for pieces of advice from pals but sometimes I am replied by insults and envy.

I took a second thought and weighed the advantages of using face book over the disadvantages and decided to interact with social groups and organizations instead of individuals.

I think, if I can manage my forty friends and their friends, in the long run, I will have people and friends who support me instead of abusing me.

I have made up my mind not to shy away from using social net works but instead use them for a noble purpose for instance, to educate, inform and entertain my fans, real friends and family members who stay away from me.

Above all, I want to stay on face book to learn and be informed about what takes place around the world through joining great discussion groups, debates, and international organizations.

Rwanda is slowly becoming a regional ICT hub but the side effects of internet are still not known to many citizens. They might become victims of face book criminalization due to highly skilled hackers.

Although Eric Kayiranga, Rwanda National Police spokesman says that face book crimes have not been reported and that police can use face book to track down criminals, most citizens are not protected because after being scammed, they look fools and become afraid of making police statements.

Not only uninformed people but also VIPs can be victims of internet crimes. Last year, Governor Sarah Palin, former US vice president aspirant was alleged to use a private yahoo account to conceal her official business.

A few days later, activist hackers broke into Ms Palin’s yahoo e-mail account and disclosed some of its contents. Despite that being an Alaska issue, the McCain campaign loudly complained about a shocking invasion of the Governor’s privacy and violation of the law.

Internet usage might turn wicked or holy. It depends on users’ mindsets, attitudes, and visions and purposes otherwise our security agents should be aware that in our higher ICT institutions of learning, there are young and energetic brains that can cause havoc or peace on today’s global village.

There is need to always think twice or thrice whenever we click on the start buttons of our computers because they can build or destroy us or our society.