An answer to those nails that just won’t grow

If you’re having trouble growing your nails and you find it necessary to hide your fingers every time you’re in public, then obviously you haven’t yet been introduced to the world of fake nails.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Acrylic nails can look really natural.

If you’re having trouble growing your nails and you find it necessary to hide your fingers every time you’re in public, then obviously you haven’t yet been introduced to the world of fake nails.

And when I say fake nails, I don’t mean the press-ons that come with glue. The ones that leave you embarrassed after falling off in public. No.

Am talking about acrylic nails, the most recent and top-notch invention in nail care and the nail grooming business. Acrylic material nails are such that look and feel just like natural nails and are pasted on to your existing naturally growing nails.

These artificial nails are made by mixing together a particular kind of powder and a specific liquid. They come out so hard and smooth. You don’t have to worry about scratching yourself and you don’t have to worry about them falling off either.

Not everyone is gifted with perfectly looking nails, and certainly not everyone is able to grow their nails long. Some women that usually opt for artificial nails are those who have the misfortune of being born with brittle nails, or have the bad habit of nail biting.

If you find it hard to grow your nails naturally yourself, just invest in a good set of acrylic or fake nails.  Another thing is make sure they are done by a professional. Look for credentials if you have to. If done poorly, acrylic nails can end up in disaster. Find out as much as you can about the places that do them.

Bear in mind that you must keep going back to refill them as the powder starts to wear off with the growth of your natural nail. It is costly but the results are totally worth it.

Helen Musoni, a manicurist at a salon in one of the top hotels says, ‘If you have acrylic nails, make sure you look after them like you would your own nails.

Always go back at the time of the filling and if you find the results satisfying, try to stick to the same manicurist as we all have different ways of doing them.’

Some women may find this a waste of money. But to those whose nails just feel like chilling in the same place year in year out, or the ones that break just buy scratching yourself, or those who think their nails taste better than food, this is God’s gift to womankind!

‘You can do almost anything with acrylic nails, and you don’t have to worry about them cracking, falling off or chipped nail polish,’ Helen goes on to say.

For those who are wondering how they can go on about their daily chores with these nails, you need not wonder anymore. Whether it’s washing clothes, doing dishes, ironing, cooking food or cleaning the house, acrylic nails won’t fail you.

If you’d had them on for a while and want them off, always go back to your manicurist, so that heshe can take them off for you. They have a special way of doing that. Do not attempt to take them off yourself otherwise you could cause some serious damage to your own nails.

Look after them as you would your own and have those fingers looking glamorous all the time. In case you are wondering where to do these nails some salons in town are into this but for perfection I suggest you go to a salon that has a history of acrylic nails.