Perfect Weekend… : Justin Bizimana

Justin Bizimana is one of the few who have successfully earned a leaving from their talents as musicians. He started effectively exploiting his talent in 2003. He however says that for the weekend, it’s special, free from work.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Justin Bizimana

Justin Bizimana is one of the few who have successfully earned a leaving from their talents as musicians. He started effectively exploiting his talent in 2003. He however says that for the weekend, it’s special, free from work.

There for him to enjoy. Below he shares with you;
I start the weekend depending on the work schedule, but at least Friday evening. I get home and put on weekend wear and to me it’s Jeans and T-shirt with simple shoes.
If I am to stay in Kigali, I meet my friends and get to our usual place Bourbon coffee at UTC.

At night I either get to Planet club at KBC or Cardillac. But sometimes I travel on Friday evening either to Kampala or Gisenyi depending on my programme.

In Kampala, I have fun at Gaba Beach in Entebbe on Saturday. When in Gisenyi, I love the shores of lake Kivu.
I love music and dance, so I usually go to the discotheques in either Gaba or Gisenyi. When there, I meet and make friends.

I love fresh fish and chips in these two places. I also feel good with the company of other musicians whom I meet there.

On Sunday, I travel to Kigali early in the morning. By 6p.m, I am home preparing for Monday. I also listen to music but get to bed early since by that time I am really tired.

That how I spend my weekend perfect.