A day in the life of.... : Innocent Bahati

Innocent Bahati is the Programme Manager at Radio 10. He says it is his duty to check and determine what should or not go on air among other responsibilities. Below is how he manages his working day.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Innocent Bahati

Innocent Bahati is the Programme Manager at Radio 10. He says it is his duty to check and determine what should or not go on air among other responsibilities. Below is how he manages his working day.

I wake-up at 6:30a.m. After some physical exercise I bathe. I then have breakfast as I listen to news.

At 7:45, I leave home for office. It takes me about 15 minutes from Remera to the office. I check my mail first in case we have invitations to cover certain events.
At 8a.m, I conduct a 15 minute meeting with the journalists.

The meeting involves assigning and getting journalists’ contributions for the day’s schedule. Immediately after, I take on administrative duties to ensure things are alright at the station.

I also attend to visitors and respond to urgent mails.
Between 1 and 2p.m, depending on my work load, I have lunch. I then follow what we air to take note and put right if something is not right.

I usually leave office at 6p.m though I might leave earlier or later than that. By 8p.m, I am home with my family with whom I interact and also watch and listen to news.

At around 9, I have supper. I never get to bed immediately. I first do some reading or writing until 11p.m. I normally say a prayer before I head to bed.
