“Africa World Cup Woes”

As the World Cup fever wanes down, what started as a 32 horse race has now shrunk to 16 and those are fast falling off like flies off a carcass of a dead horse.  

Saturday, July 03, 2010

As the World Cup fever wanes down, what started as a 32 horse race has now shrunk to 16 and those are fast falling off like flies off a carcass of a dead horse.  

As days go by, the guys are losing more and more of their "freedoms” as the chain-keepers get nearer and nearer to tightening the chains to the once painful position.  Gentlemen, do not lose hope, the end of the "WC” (not the toilet but the World Cup) will soon usher in the opening of the loved "English Premiership”.  

However, I must say without fear or favour that, most of our so called "super stars” did let us down.  The likes of Wayne Rooney, Dragoba, Anelka, Christian Ronaldo,  and a hoard of many more did not shine, leave alone, lighting!

They were all very dormant!  I suppose, this will not kill the English Premiership mood, eh! Much as the "bloody” tenement was hosted on our mother continent, we have really fared very badly to the extent that, records have it that, South Africa is the first host nation to be eliminated in the preliminary stages.

All the same, I am not complaining much, the guys have tried putting up a spirited fight.  As kids, while playing football, we were always told that, "if you miss the ball, do not miss the leg”, many African players obeyed this rule.

Probably, that is the reason why many of them earned themselves a large number of "Yellow” and "Red” cards.  

There was that Nigerian guy that really made me proud, he went an extra mile to show the "mzungu” that, he was an African, playing on African soil and that, he wasn’t ready to take any sh*t from anyone!  After all, when the Africans got evicted, they were not chased from mother Africa, were they?  Africa oyeh, long live the African Footballers.  

So many people have been blaming the African Nations for the so called poor performance at this ongoing World Cup; who dares to say so?

First and foremost, let us face the reality, would it be advisable for a woman to send her son to her co-wife for upbringing?

(Don’t quote me) I have a friend who had 3 stepmothers, you heard me right, each time there was a problem at home, he was to blame even when he was not on the "scene of crime”, the stepmum(s) would simply say, "that boy must be behind this”!

Back to the "WC”, the African Nations went out to hire so called coaches from the very nations they were supposed to compete against!  Imagine a case of Rwanda playing against Kenya and yet the Rwandan team is being coached and managed by a Kenyan, would it go down well with him, if he fielded a team to rout his national team?

Something like that!  Let this be a lesson, we should have our national teams managed by our own rather than exposing them to our competitors.

Most likely, the Mzungu interests made our African teams (managed by wa Zungu) to lose as they did!
