The secret life of... : Bernard Birasa

Bernard Birasa is an artist with over 13 years in the field. He says although he has other side incomes, the art work has been the base for his family. He is married and blessed with children.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Bernard Birasa

Bernard Birasa is an artist with over 13 years in the field. He says although he has other side incomes, the art work has been the base for his family. He is married and blessed with children. Below he shares more with you;
The first thing you do in the morning
I listen to the local and then international news

When are you happiest?
When my colleagues are happy, I am happiest 

Greatest fear
People losing trust in me

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their efforts in making me achieve my childhood goal of becoming an artist
The most important thing life has taught you
Being down to earth is success
What keeps you awake at night?
When I do not achieve my target at work or something wrong at home

Greatest achievement
Being simple and being able to help others even with the little I can afford

During your free time
I relax with my family but sometimes with friends 

Retirement plans
Maybe if I lose my sight which is not my wish, I will continue with art work.