ARJ elects new committee

The Rwanda Journalists Association (ARJ) has elected a nine man committee that will run its activities for the next two years.

Sunday, January 06, 2008
Gaspard Safari

The Rwanda Journalists Association (ARJ) has elected a nine man committee that will run its activities for the next two years.

Gaspard Safari retained his position as the president of the Association while James Munyaneza of The New Times and Ratifah Akimana of Radio Rwanda were elected as the first and second vice presidents respectively.

Safari who assumed office in 2005 was re-elected for the same post for his consorted efforts to build professionalism in journalism in the country as well as having enough experience in the field.

Alphosine Ankurije, Communications officer in the Health minister was elected as the Secretary General and Boniface Mutsindashyaka of Contact FM for treasury.

Others include; Peace Maker Mbungira Mihigo, a lecturer in Kabgwayi University, Emmanuel Sehene of Hirondelle and Saidat Murorunkwere of Urugari newspaper who were elected to monitor and oversee the activities of the association. Speaking after elections, Safari vowed to promote journalism as a profession including assisting media institutions to get soft loans in order to buy the necessary equipment like computers.

"There are some media houses with limited resources yet they have to run their activities; it is those problems that we come to solve such that journalism can be elevated to another level," Safari said.

He said that there are a number of projects that the association plans to engage in, including capacity building programmes and guarantee fund to assist media organizations access soft bank loans for development.
