Common Fashion Mistakes

The rules of fashion have relaxed quite a bit in recent times but there are still fashion mistakes that are universally recognized as bad style.

Thursday, July 01, 2010
Itu2019s complete fashion confusion.

The rules of fashion have relaxed quite a bit in recent times but there are still fashion mistakes that are universally recognized as bad style.

Many people make fashion mistakes because of being ignorant as they try too hard, or want to make sure they are wearing the latest fashions or styles regardless of whether they suit them or not.

There are so many common mistakes people often make thinking that they look extremely elegant and smart. For instance wearing the wrong colours like a hot pink shirt or blouse on a yellow pair of pant, it’s just horrible.

Seek a tailors advice
There are those who try to put on clothes which don’t fit them. Try not to get hung up on sizes. An ill-fitting trouser can be too big or too small but either way it’s highly unflattering.

Clothes that are too big can be just as bad, as they hide the good points of your figure and make you look shapeless and sloppy. Avoid fashion mistakes like these by not getting too attached to a number, and enlisting the services of a good tailor.

Understand word meanings
Surprisingly most people just put on their outfits without noticing the words written on them, most important to note….some ladies ignorantly wear tops with words written on them like "I’m a bitch”.

For the case of guys, t-shirts are the chosen apparel for proudly and smugly displaying one’s messages. Some of these sayings are hilarious, others are rude, and still others just say "Don’t bother me.”

Victims of fashion
Putting on clothes with fashion labels that carry a certain status, is fine, but wearing a label from head to toe unless you have a high paying modeling contract with them will brand you as a fashion novice at best and a fashion victim at worst.

Copying a look exactly from any fashion line says that you have no inner sense of style and are just throwing money at the problem; it’s one of the worst fashion mistakes you can make.

This is a very common fashion mistake. Instead of being understatedly elegant, some women pull out all the stops for a party by wearing the most flamboyant outfit in their closet. You don’t want to look conspicuous by being the most overdressed person at the party.

When in doubt, opt for a stylish black suit or a black or neutral shade of dress and keep some glitzy accessories in your pocketbook you can put on at a moment’s notice. It’s generally more tasteful to be a bit understated.

Some people particularly ladies ignorantly put on dinner dresses when going to the office, this is so embarrassing. The office is not the place to wear a dinner dress as its attention seeking.

Bling Bling
Wearing multiple pieces of large jewelry becomes overwhelming in an office setting. Try to make a particular effort to avoid multiple, large bracelets that jangle when you move your arms. Save these for your evening office party.

Office fashions don’t have to be boring. You can still dress up in your office clothing with carefully selected accessories and jewelry and make an impression that’s both professional and memorable.

In conclusion, what makes good style, some people definitely think that’s up for interpretation, but I’m adamant that if you can make a commitment to avoiding these egregious fashion mistakes you’re on the way to dressing with good taste.