Howto: How to treat hangovers

Whoever tastes or has tasted alcohol before, hangover is a time of excessive exhaustion, headache and not wanting to lift your head off the pillow.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Whoever tastes or has tasted alcohol before, hangover is a time of excessive exhaustion, headache and not wanting to lift your head off the pillow.

It’s hard to tell what’s worse, is it the upset stomach, the jackhammer pounding in your head or the dry mouth with a tongue feeling like sandpaper?

Don’t let the threat of a hangover prevent you from having a responsible night out with friends. By following a few simple rules, you can avoid a hangover, or at least treat one so as to avoid terrible out comes the next day.

The first rule of hangover avoidance is not to indulge at all
If the purpose of the evening is to enjoy yourself, you can have a good time no matter what the libation. Have some soda or juice or enjoy any other tasty drink without the added liquor.

If you prefer not to tiptoe, at least keep track of how much you’re drinking. Know your limit and don’t go over that limit. If one or two drinks are all you can handle, don’t order a third.

Not only are you asking for a hangover, but being drunk isn’t very attractive and can only lead to embarrassments.

Be sure to drink a lot of water

Hangovers are caused by dehydration, and it’s important to discourage alcohol’s diuretic effect. In fact, it’s recommended that for every glass of alcohol consumed, a glass of water or juice is consumed as well.

Not only will this dilute the alcohol, it will also allow you to take a break between drinks. It would be a good idea to avoid other diuretics such as coffee. You should stay as hydrated as possible when drinking.

Try to eat a big meal prior to drinking

The food will absorb the booze, especially those foods high in fats and proteins. Eat brochettes or other snacks throughout the course of the evening to absorb any additional alcohol.

Eat. Load up especially on carbohydrates, which will help you increase the blood sugars that dropped while you were indulging. It will also make you feel better. Try to stay away from spicy food or anything tending to upset your stomach.

A nice cold glass of tomato juice can also do wonders. The fructose in the juice aids in metabolizing the alcohol and that will help it go through your body quicker.

Sleep it off

Get as much sleep as you possibly can. If you wake up feeling awful and can go back to bed, then by all means do so.

Once you’re awake, the first thing you should do is get more water and drink replacing fluids such as Gatorade into your system. If you’re hung-over, you’re dehydrated and you need to deal with that first.

Try to avoid coffee or carbonated or sweet drinks. They’ll only cause you to become more dehydrated. Working out is probably the last thing you want to do when you’re hang-over, but exercise will get the circulation going and the blood pumping to your brain.

It will also help rid your body of toxins. You don’t have to pump iron at the gym, but a quick walk can work wonders. Try to avoid the ‘another bottle’ remedy. Taking a shot of what caused the pain in the first place may make you feel a little better at first, but it will make you feel worse in the long run.

There are also several over the counter remedies for hangovers, but many doctors agree that these don’t work. They would prefer to have you save your money and ride out the hangover.

What to avoid

Pain relievers are not recommended for those who drink heavily on a regular basis, as they will do more harm than good. If you’re a regular drinker, it would be best to avoid pain relievers altogether.

They might help your headache, but it they will probably make your stomach feel a lot worse. So, what can you do?

However, if you absolutely have to get rid of your headache, pain relievers, such as aspirin or Ibuprofen can be taken in moderation. But best of all, no matter what you may have heard, there really is no "cure” for a hangover.

If you truly want to avoid feeling lousy the morning after, don’t drink or, at least, drink in moderation. By drinking responsibly, you’ll not only avoid a hangover; but also any embarrassment that comes with being drunk.
