Relationships: How to tell if your wife is cheating

If you believe your wife is cheating on you, one of the best approaches may be to come right out and ask her. Many a cheating spouse has owned up to an affair once confronted.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

If you believe your wife is cheating on you, one of the best approaches may be to come right out and ask her. Many a cheating spouse has owned up to an affair once confronted.

Before deciding to confront your wife, check the list of signs and see how many, if any, apply:

•   Drastically improved appearance if your wife suddenly begins losing weight, working out, taking more time for her beauty routine, begins buying lots of new clothes including sexy under garments- she may be doing these things to impress someone other than you.

If this is the only signal you recognize, proceed with caution. Your wife may simply be making these improvements in order to look and feel better, or to spice up your marriage. If several other signs are present along with this one, you may need to confront her.

• Extended or unexplained absences If your wife is suddenly hard to reach or is not home when you return, and she stops leaving notes or gives vague answers when you ask where she's been, she could be spending this time with someone else.

• Unexplained expenses.  If the phone bill goes up, if she suddenly purchases a cell phone, or if the car seems to be on empty more frequently, these costs could be associated with an affair. Check out her credit cards too.

Most women are smart enough not to charge a hotel room, since this would obviously lead to questions, but you may begin finding a pattern of cash advances.

• She becomes defense or argumentative more often. Many people do feel guilty while having an affair, and because of this guilt, they are on the look out for accusations. If she blows up over a simple question, there could be cause for concern.

If she seems to be angry all the time and instigates arguments with you, she may picking a fight so she will have an excuse to leave at unusual times without offering an explanation.

•  Callers begin hanging up when you answer the phone. Hang-ups are one of the most common signs of an affair. If someone hangs up when you answer the house phone, and her cell phone rings immediately afterwards, ask who is calling.

• She is noticeably nicer and more accommodating. A woman who never let you out of her sight before, but suddenly encourages you to go out with the guys or "take some time for yourself" is either a great wife who finally realized she was over possessive, or she is trying to get rid of you for a while.

• She begins running into friends you have never met or heard of before. When women have affairs, they are more likely to develop an ongoing relationship than to have a brief fling. This being the case, she may be moving in different circles when she is with her lover.

Certainly, they will develop mutual friends over time, just as you and she have mutual friends. Also, beware of "friends" that you have never heard of before, but that seem extremely close or intimate.

While each of these signals on their own can be explained away, if several of these signs are present, your wife may well be cheating on you. It is not a good idea to follow her around to find out, as this can be interpreted as "stalking" behavior.

Instead start keeping a journal of these signals and how frequently they occur (this information may also be valuable if you end up divorcing). Once you are satisfied with the list, either confront her or consider hiring a private detective to document the affair.

Tips on building love and romance in your marriage

Everyone knows women love romance, but how do you get started? Here are 10 romantic tips on how to romance your wife. This list of romantic tips is designed to renew and build your romance with your wife over time.

The romantic tips at the beginning of the list are pretty simple and easy to pull off. The romantic tips later in the list take more time and effort, but hopefully will also have a deeper appreciation from your wife.

Take walks with your wife

When the weather is nice outside, take a walk with your wife. You can take a walk around theneighborhood or take a walk in a park. Walk at a relaxing, unhurried pace and hold her hand. Taking a walk is a great way to get a little alone time with your wife.

Tell your wife you want to romance her

When you are alone, sit down on the couch with your wife. Hold her hands and tell her you want to romance her. Ask her to be patient with you as you try a few romantic ideas you have and ask her to not be shy about expressing appreciation and encouraging you in your romantic efforts.

Tell your wife what you love about her

This one is easy and should be a lot of fun. Tell your wife what you love and adore about her. Look for opportunities to sincerely complement her. Taking the time to do that will make her feel good about herself, you and your relationship.

Take your wife out on a romantic date

Continuing to date your wife is a great way to keep the romance alive in your marriage. If you can afford it, taking your wife out to dinner once a week is a good start.

If money is a little tight, your date can also be as simple as snuggling on the couch as you watch a video together. Whatever you decide to do on a date, the focus should be on your relationship and your love for one another.

Write your wife love notes

From time to time, write a love note to your wife. A love note doesn’t take long to write and it is a wonderful way to express your love for your wife.

Hold hands with your wife in a restaurant

Next time you are alone at a restaurant with your wife, reach across the table and hold her hand. Look deep into her eyes and, with your other hand, gently caress her hand.

You will probably look like the most romantic couple in the restaurant, so don’t be surprised if the waiter asks if it is your anniversary.

Share a dessert with your wife

Hopefully after dinner you have room to share a dessert. Lovingly feeding dessert to one another is a wonderfully sensual and romantic experience.

Read your wife a love poem

This romantic tip one may take a little research and effort. Find a nice love poem that expresses how you feel about your wife. When you have a quiet moment together, tell your wife you would like to read something that expresses how you feel about her. Then slowly read a love poem to her, looking up at her as often as you can.

Write a love letter to your wife

If your love notes are appreciated, start writing love letters to your wife. Tell her how much you love and appreciate her. Tell her how much she means to you.

Read a love letter to your wife

Giving your wife a love letter is a wonderfully romantic gift. If you really want to romance your wife, read a love letter to her. You can read a love letter you just wrote to her or an old love letter that you gave her in the past.

These ten romantic tips on how to romance your wife are a great start to giving your wife the love, attention, romance and appreciation that her heart desires. Maintaining a loving romance with your wife requires attention, but your life and marriage will be richer for the effort.
