Editorial: Gov’t and Diaspora networking remarkable

We must recommend government’s move aimed at networking with members of Banyarwanda community in the Diaspora for a common goal.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

We must recommend government’s move aimed at networking with members of Banyarwanda community in the Diaspora for a common goal.

Comments by Dr. Charles Murigande on December 27 while addressing members of Diaspora at Parliamentary building that government would work out a strategy with Rwandans in Diaspora to attract investors to Rwanda is noteworthy.

Obviously, the better way to achieve a lot in terms investment is to facilitate networking between Rwandan companies and interested investors for the benefit of all Rwandans.

There is a need to identify and involve more stakeholders in the organisation of the networking. It is necessary to streamline communication between Rwandans in Diaspora, Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA) and Private Sector Federation (PSF) to cash on every business opportunities geared to fostering development.

Rwandan companies need to be enlightened about the nature of the UK/EU market and this can only be achieved through cooperation.

Members of the Diaspora who are working with stakeholders to ensure Rwandan products are available to western consumers now and in the near future are doing us proud.

Team work will strongly create a burly bond between Rwanda and its Diaspora community especially in areas of trade and investment, but this cannot be done in abstract.

It is the work of good intentioned Rwandans in Diaspora and the rest of us to spread the good work of our current leadership achieved since 1994 Genocide and enhance development.
