Watch your heavy drinking

The other day I was worried but later I got to terms with reality about the man who nearly lost his life on New Year’s Day over Frw 1000.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

The other day I was worried but later I got to terms with reality about the man who nearly lost his life on New Year’s Day over Frw 1000.

Spending the New Year this way is the last thing I would wish because he had the added misfortune of spending the night in police cells.

Ever wondered why such actions happen yet they are uncalled for? This particular one was due to alcohol.
I appeal to all those who drink alcohol, whether you are drunkards or not, to give up on it.

Alcohol is not only unacceptable but also dangerous to your health. Pick lessons from great thinkers like Arthur Atkinson who described alcohol as a silent killer and a mask under which criminals hide.
