Makuza commissions new fruit market

KAMONYI - The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, has commended residents of kamonyi district for the efforts towards implementing government development programs.

Monday, June 28, 2010
Premier Bernard Makuza inspects products grown by residents after commissioning the Market in Kayenzi sector.Photo D.Sabiiti

KAMONYI - The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, has commended residents of kamonyi district for the efforts towards implementing government development programs.

The Premier made the remarks, on Friday, at the end of his visit to Kamonyi district, where he officially commissioned a newly constructed fruit market worth over Rwf41m, in Kayenzi sector.

Makuza also spoke to students at Groupe Scolaire St. Aloys, addressed residents involved in the construction of the second phase of the Nine Year Basic Education (9YBE) classrooms, and toured agriculture activities in Karama and Kayenzi sectors.

Makuza said that the district has significantly progressed, citing the residents efforts in promoting national education programs. The  district has seen the number of students attending school increase from 563 to 12.000 students within the last 16 years.

"Kamonyi residents have been at the front in promoting education and it is encouraging to see the residents’ desire to have good education for their children, ” Makuza said.
He also encouraged students to study hard, be disciplined and use education as a foundation for the next generation of good leaders.

The Prime Minister also addressed resident at Kayenzi, and noted that the installation of electricity lines in the district will boost the residents’ efforts towards development, in agriculture and livestock, and other aspects of social development.

The Minister of Local government, James Musoni, who accompanied the Premier during the tour, encouraged the residents to focus on community development and good governance as a way of achieving the country’s development targets.
