Pharmacists’ cooperative visits Kigali Memorial Centre

MEMBERS of Cooperative des Comptoirs Pharmaceutique du Rwanda (COCOPHAR) yesterday afternoon visited Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre to pay tribute to the victims buried at the centre.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Members of COCOPHAR hold a minute of silence at Kigali Genocide Memorial Center in memory of the 1994 Genocide victims. (Photo: F. Goodman)

MEMBERS of Cooperative des Comptoirs Pharmaceutique du Rwanda (COCOPHAR) yesterday afternoon visited Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre to pay tribute to the victims buried at the centre.

Furaha Uwamahoro, who spoke on behalf of the group, urged the 200 members present to always remember what happened during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi.

"I advise you as members of COCOPHAR who are here to know that the 1994 Genocide should be a lesson to you and every Rwandan. I also call upon you to always play a major role in fighting against Genocide and racism among Rwandans because that is when we shall never experience genocide again in our country,” Uwamahoro said.

She castigated the regime of the former Rwandan President, Juvenal Habyarimana which promoted divisionism, racism and hatred among Rwandans ending in the Genocide.

According to Uwamahoro, COCOPHAR has been in existence for just a year and it is their first time to visit the centre. She added that the visit would help those who took part in the visit to go back and advocate for peace, unity and reconciliation among fellow members who did not come and their clients countrywide.

She urged other cooperatives and institutions to also visit the centre in order to get enough information as regards the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.   COCOPHAR also donated Rwf 100,000 to the memorial centre.
