A day in the life of.... : Isidore Gafarasi

Isidore Gafarasi is the head of veterinary services at Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA). He is responsible for various activities related to livestock especially in disease control. He is coordinates RARDA’s services countrywide through agents.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Isidore Gafarasi

Isidore Gafarasi is the head of veterinary services at Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA). He is responsible for various activities related to livestock especially in disease control. He is coordinates RARDA’s services countrywide through agents.

Below is his typical day of work:  

I wake up at 6a.m, bathe then prepare to drop my children to school. By 7a.m, I must be at work. I take some time for a prayer in the office before work starts.

I also check the internet for current world affairs. After, I follow my agenda which includes assigning staff various responsibilities.

This takes me about 45 minutes. Later, after accomplishing what I left the previous day I tour the laboratory.
This helps me to make clear follow-ups on what is going on with the tests in the laboratory.

I also use this time to get information from the provinces about current livestock situations.

By 11p.m, I attend to people who come with various issues about work. It may be on appointment or not.

Sometimes I miss lunch given a particular work load. In the afternoon, I follow up to ensure that each person has performed his duties as expected; I attend meetings and make reports to the Director General.

I also approve tests in the laboratory. I never leave work before 6 and I go directly home unless there is an appointment.

I listen to the radio particularly the news. At 9p.m I have supper and get to bed by 11p.m.
