“World Cup Letter to the Boss”

Below is a letter from a Soccer Crazy employee to his boss. Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to let you know that the FIFA World Cup has begun. This is not just any other tournament, it’s the World Cup! Please note that this tournament takes place every four years and a month to finish, i.e. from 11th June to 11th July for this year. During this period take note of the following:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Below is a letter from a Soccer Crazy employee to his boss.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to let you know that the FIFA World Cup has begun. This is not just any other tournament, it’s the World Cup! Please note that this tournament takes place every four years and a month to finish, i.e. from 11th June to 11th July for this year. During this period take note of the following:

1. I will be knocking off earlier than usual in order to watch the kick off of the first game.

2. Do not be surprised if I report a little bit late every morning, it will depend on the time the last game finishes.

3. Production will go up during this month as almost all employees will be happy and highly motivated (Check Maslow’s Motivation Theories with Human Resource).

4. I know you are into other boring sports like golf, cricket, bowling, etc.  Please if you want to fit in the work environment for the next one month, try to know something about soccer, even asking a foolish question like” Is Malawi playing tonight?” that is if you really want to fit in, or else no one will be a loner for one full month.

5. Greeting each other in the morning will change from "Good morning” to "How was the game last night?”

6. I will not accept to work overtime during this period as no amount of money can buy me to miss a game. Therefore make sure you don’t give me any work after 16:30hours.

7. I will need to be up-to-date with the latest; therefore the first 1 hour every morning is for accessing sports websites and other updates on the internet and also chatting with friends on phone.

8. Lastly, please do not think you can fire me should you decide to break any of the above rules as you will have to fire everyone.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Soccer Crazy Employee

(As narrated by the Soccer Crazy Employee)
