The Hater : I hate people who…

 …take their jobs too seriously. I learnt a long time ago that good customer care starts with a smile for the customer. Basing on that, allow me to hate anybody who does a job without a smile. Yes I hate all those policemen and soldiers who patrol our streets without even a baby smile.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

 …take their jobs too seriously.

I learnt a long time ago that good customer care starts with a smile for the customer. Basing on that, allow me to hate anybody who does a job without a smile. Yes I hate all those policemen and soldiers who patrol our streets without even a baby smile.

I see these guys walking past in a line but without ever a faint smile. I am told this helps them to look tough. However I think they need to smile once in a while if only to change the monopoly of a mean face with a warm hearted smile could make a big difference. They should ease up and smile once in a while but hold onto their guns tightly.  

 …think that one has to always take them out.

When it comes to the dating game, The Hater is only a spectator. Do not forget that I am contracted to hate so I have no time for dating and love. However I always get disturbed by people (especially women) who always insist that their relationship must involve being taken out for a date.

If you are addicted to being taken out then I suggest you become a street person so that you can enjoy being and staying out! And by the way, do these people try to pay the bill when taken out? That can be a good start to teach these non-thinkers some more serious things to do.  

 …sack their employees over very simple mistakes.

Getting a decent job is one of the hardest things to pull off these days. This gives me room to hate those who for some reason are fond of firing their workers at the snap of a finger.

I just don’t like those bosses who think that the productivity of their company can just go up if they keep firing the workers. I wish I could be put in position to also fire them. I would give them a beating first before they go. Your workers are human beings and do make mistakes. If you cannot forgive them and retain them, then you need to hand in your resignation.  

…sacrifice young and innocent children.

I am really sick and tired of hearing stories of young children being caught by some thugs for purposes of child sacrifice especially in Uganda and Kenya. If you want riches please work very hard just like The Hater.

Murdering a small innocent child brings no money but curses from the ancestors and of course, the police. These killers deserve to go to hell for sure. And I suggest that God uses them as firewood to burn other sinners in hell. The same hatred goes to those in Tanzania who kill albinos for purposes of getting rich. Oh how I hate you.  

…cannot appreciate the support accorded to them.

This goes out to all those lousy African teams that were rushing to watch the football instead of continuing to play and win. I thought this was an African World Cup?

The Hater has done his best to support all the African teams and guess how they have paid me. By kicking the ball far from the goal and effectively misusing all the chances before them.

Cameroon and Nigeria, and Algeria did a very good job of annoying me last week. How can they play such stupid football right in front of the whole continent that was supporting them?  

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 758 545293.