The secret life of... : Yves Sangano

Yves Sangano is the Acting Registrar General at Rwanda Development (RDB). Though single, Sangano says he is seriously thinking about getting married soon.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Yves Sangano

Yves Sangano is the Acting Registrar General at Rwanda Development (RDB). Though single, Sangano says he is seriously thinking about getting married soon.

Below he shares more with you;

The first thing you do in the morning
I say a prayer

When are you happiest?
When everything at work is in order 

Greatest fear
Being in bad or poor terms with others

Affectionate memory of your parents
Their efforts in educating me
The most important thing life has taught you

People should take some time to think before making certain decisions

What keeps you awake at night?
When something is wrong either at home or work place

Greatest achievement
That is a very hard question for me to answer

During your free time
I listen to news and read 

Retirement plans
I am working hard currently to ensure that I lead a soft life in old