WAGs may decide who wins the World Cup

Every World Cup comes with its own interestingly unsporting events. The ever present object of craze off the pitch is; the WAGs! - A term that has been used to refer to the wives and girlfriends of football stars since 2002.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Every World Cup comes with its own interestingly unsporting events. The ever present object of craze off the pitch is; the WAGs! - A term that has been used to refer to the wives and girlfriends of football stars since 2002.

Although David Beckham is not playing at the World Cup, his wife, Victoria Beckham, or should I call her, Posh Spice, is generally considered to be the most influential WAG of them all.

These WAGs may know a thing or two about soccer, but unlike their mates, they take tournaments as holidays where they can bask in the sun, go shopping and make a name in hot scandals.

Their activities are however as extremely vital as the men who kick the round leather inside those gigantic stadiums, as England can testify through the years.

What the team manager says to the footballers may come in from one ear and get out from the other. But what the WAGs tell their boys will stay with them off and on the pitch… and may potentially determine how they play the game.

That is why they are so not liked by their mates’ managers who call them a "virus”. Fabio Capello, the England team manager never hides dislike for WAGs. He told them not to unsettle their men or appear to be on holiday while other people sweat for country’s honour and glory.

Capello is perhaps trying to make sure that he avoids the nonsensical drama that his predecessor, Sven Goran Eriksson went through four years back while he was trying to win the World Cup.

Eriksson made the ultimate gaffe by allowing WAGs to spend time with players in between training and matches. All of a sudden, snoops and paparazzi were all over the training camp and hotels where the men resided.

Eventually, England, the favourites then, with a squad of talented young players, was knocked out by Portugal’s winker simply because their focus had been derailed.  From that time on, Eriksson became England’s public enemy number one.

France had made a wise move to ban its players from contacting their WAGs in South Africa, on condition that the team has to first reach the quarterfinals of the tournament. However, a plea from the players persuaded the country to spend over 200,000 Pounds to fly the WAGs to South Africa and keep in touch with them.

As we all witnessed, France, who looked more like models in tight pajamas were walloped by little known Red Indians from Mexico and were the tourney’s worst losers when SA made minced meat of them. Hadn’t it been for the presence of WAGs, France would have played better.

For all their beauty and little knowledge on football, I believe that these superstar women have always had a hand in the performance of their men on the pitch. My prediction is that, the least WAG-affected team of the tournament will lift the golden trophy in South Africa. Yes. You guessed right- England and France are definitely out of the equation!

If you’re no soccer fan though, I can guarantee you one thing. Just look out for the activities of WAGs. They will offer you the entertainment.

To these gorgeously looking celebrities, football is simply a secondary activity which they toss about. Shopping malls, discotheques and red carpets are their thing.
