Gicumbi throws New Year party for local leaders

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Local leaders from village-Umudugudu- to Sector were on New Year’s Day thrilled at a party organized by the District. Over 600 people are estimated to have attended the celebrations at Hotel Urumuli.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


GICUMBI — Local leaders from village-Umudugudu- to Sector were on New Year’s Day thrilled at a party organized by the District. Over 600 people are estimated to have attended the celebrations at Hotel Urumuli.

In attendance was the Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi, Senator Jean Baptist Bizimana and chairperson of the District advisory committee Beatrice Nirere among others.

Speaking at the party, Nyangezi thanked local leaders at all levels for their tireless efforts in spearheading development of the district.

"Gicumbi district was among the best performers in the recent performance contract evaluation at Serena Hotel,” said the Mayor.

On her part, Nirere urged all residents to participate in troupes- Amatorero- saying it is the only way through which Unity and Reconciliation can be achieved. She also urged the leaders to work hard in the New Year.

"Every one should work hard in 2008 to uplift Rwanda,” she said.
