No man is an Island

No man is an Island and none of us was created to be alone, we all need the company that believes in us and is ready to do whatever it takes to see us make it in life.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

No man is an Island and none of us was created to be alone, we all need the company that believes in us and is ready to do whatever it takes to see us make it in life.

I totally agree with the article that appeared in The New Times; Aids: Parents, children to sign contracts. As a little boy growing up, I loved to hear my parents approve of my work.

Yes, I knew that they were really supportive just by watching their actions but I needed to see it in a more elaborate way.

Therefore, the idea of signing contracts between parents and their children is an idea well thought according to me. When there is a contract between parents and their children, this means that the various tasks are delegated to the different parties involved in the contract.

This will help both parties to live responsibly so as not to violate the contract. The young generation has gotten involved in lots of things which even cause them to put their lives on the thread just because they are not sure of the standing of their parents about what they go through.

Now with the signing of the contracts, my brothers and sisters will be assured of full support of the parents and that way they will watch their morals.

Every normal mind seeks to be sure of its security, and the reason as to why Aids prevalence is high amongst the young people is because some day some one pretended as though they were a safe haven to them which was not.

Parents, when you agree to sign a contract with your children you get the ball rolling in their courts and believe you me they will do all in their power not to let you down.
