Hail National Gacaca Jurisdiction

I am grateful for what the National Gacaca Jurisdiction has done in order to ease transport for the judges at the lower levels, and am hoping this will help quicken the hearing of the cases that have stayed in the court rooms for so long.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I am grateful for what the National Gacaca Jurisdiction has done in order to ease transport for the judges at the lower levels, and am hoping this will help quicken the hearing of the cases that have stayed in the court rooms for so long.

This has been over due but better late than never.
At all costs justice has to be administered, and am thankful now that the judges have some kind of transport.

This will improve on their efficiency.
But you see, there are out cries that cannot be overlooked and one simple fact is that the bicycles are not going to be enough for a whole Gacaca Jury of nine.

So, to enable the judges do what they have to do without strife, please let the responsible authorities run in more bicycles as fast as they can be availed. If a Jury of nine has only one bicycle, then that means that you have created an excuse for the eight that will not get bicycles, they will go like; you see I have to wait for so and so who went with the bike to return it so I can do this.

I appreciate what has been done so far by the judges even before this facilitation came in and now that its here my hopes for better services are even higher.

The National Gacaca Jurisdiction and the government please more!!
