Perfect Weekend….: Raissa Umuhoza

Raissa Umuhoza is a female Hip-Hop artiste in a group known as Rap Target. Rai-G is her stage name as an artiste. She says apart from a weekend, there is no time she has fun with her family members and friends. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Raissa Umuhoza

Raissa Umuhoza is a female Hip-Hop artiste in a group known as Rap Target. Rai-G is her stage name as an artiste. She says apart from a weekend, there is no time she has fun with her family members and friends. 

Below is how she spends her perfect weekend;

My weekend starts on Friday. I visit my friends and go for an evening walk.  I always go out with my friend and fellow artiste Van-Y.

On Saturday I spend time at home until lunch. My weekend dish comprises beans, chips and meat. At around 3p.m, I am already out at either Alpha Palace or any other outing. I may either be with family members or friends.

At 8p.m, I go to Black and White in Remera to dance. This is what really makes my weekend lively.

I love dancing especially when I go out with friends. I of course take soft drinks as I enjoy the loud music and charming crowd.

I sometimes get home at 3a.m. On Sunday, my sister wakes me up to go for the church service but I get back to bed after the service.

After lunch, I shower and watch some movies or listen to soft music. I almost spend the day home as I organize for Monday.

That makes my weekend perfect