It is high time we crashed the gatecrashers

Like the maxim that every market place has its madman, every party has a gatecrasher. In Rwanda it has evolved into an art form. Gatecrashers will seek ways to get entry no matter how tight the security. Even if it means bribing a guard or two, they believe in the maxim ‘where there is a will there is a way.’ 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Like the maxim that every market place has its madman, every party has a gatecrasher. In Rwanda it has evolved into an art form. 

Gatecrashers will seek ways to get entry no matter how tight the security. Even if it means bribing a guard or two, they believe in the maxim ‘where there is a will there is a way.’ 

Others will use influence, while others will try to ride on their surnames if they are well known. Instead of seeking a seat away from the limelight once they gain entry, they will push and shove the invited guests to the embarrassment of the host.

Gatecrashers will never take food at their homes if they get to know of a function where food will be served. While the difficult economic times might be partly to blame for this behaviour, mostly it is attributable to sheer bad manners.

Every party has a list of invited guests, who according to the host deserve priority treatment. Yet the gatecrashers never take a moment to ask why they were never invited in the first place.

Even after crashing, these people will never observe decorum that befits the function. Most likely they will be the worst behaved individuals and they will not observe the dress code, if any.

When the food finally arrives they will eat like swine and drink anything and everything in sight. If they are men they will harass women, and if they are women they will align themselves to men.

If music is played these people will not only dance badly but they will also sing off key. Is there a way of dealing with such people because they are such joy killers?

Anyone who has ever hosted a party will agree that such individuals have become a menace to the society.