As a matter of choice, you will learn the hard way

I want to agree 101 times with the district director of health services Mr. Deo Rugaju when he says that the fight against HIV/Aids should and ought to start at home.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I want to agree 101 times with the district director of health services Mr. Deo Rugaju when he says that the fight against HIV/Aids should and ought to start at home.

Who has ever climbed a tree from the leaves? We must know where to start if we are going to be effective in the fight against this scourge.

I just want to add my voice to the rest that think and agree with Mr. Rugaju. 

All things start at home that is where the children get introduced to the world, its evils and the good therein. Not only this, but as a matter of fact, the parents have a better position to speak and be heard in the lives of their children.

 I heard an uncle who actually past away due to heavy drinking and we would ask this uncle why he would not stop drinking and all he would tell us is that before he tested breast milk, his mother made him test alcohol.

This is how powerful the influence of parents can be over their children.

When we leave out the homes which are the smallest units of our societies then be sure we are defeated from the word go. Let our homes be moral institutes to help teach the young generation how to conduct one’s self in today’s world.

Children learn more by what they see than by what they hear, what do you do before your children? Are you a good example to them?

This business of do as I say but not as I do does not work in a home that is trying to groom people who will stand against AIDS.

If children are not learning anything at home and you want their morals to be shaped by the media or a second party, then be sure they will learn the hard way.
