Prostitutes deserved every single verdict passed

This is to react to a story “50 Prostitutes Evicted” dated Wednesday 2nd Jan 2008.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This is to react to a story "50 Prostitutes Evicted” dated Wednesday 2nd Jan 2008.

There is a saying that goes, "you can fool all people but not at all times and if you fool people at all times, then not all of them.”

I commend the residents of Kavumu for their brave actions and would want to wish that the rest of the areas in this country where such evils are on the rampage do the same.

Many of our leaders have heard cases reported in their offices and they have either taken no action or have reacted inappropriately, bravo to all the concerned citizens who know what is good and can not stand to see people call bad good and good bad.

Don’t give these evil acts a green light, wake up take action and slap the devil in the face.

These prostitutes deserved every single action that was taken against them. See, there is nothing good to expect in form of returns to the community. Parents who have sons and daughters growing up, let the people of Kavumu be a challenge unto you.

Constant fights, open and day prostitution, obscenity, abuse of alcohol during working hours, and instilling some of the named habits in young children in the area. Who can stand this if they still have their sanity working 100% correctly?

These prostitutes are not only doing the above but they also have and use vulgar language; it’s as if they were brought forth and fed by a single mother. Dogs in Kigali will stay dogs even when you take them to Butare so is the way they should be handled in both areas.

The people of Kavumu have shown the rest of us how to deal with this evil and fellow citizen the struggle continues!!!
