Evicted in good faith

I am writing in response to your story concerning cows given to the evictees around Lake Kivu.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I am writing in response to your story concerning cows given to the evictees around Lake Kivu.

The eviction of these people, every one should notice was for the good of our environment. We should learn to give due value to our environment because it’s the one that will feed our future generations.

However I want to thank the ministry of lands, forestry, water and mines for the prolific help they availed these citizens of our mother land.

The 31 cows to the evicted people show that government didn’t evict these people out of bad faith, but rather for the good of our environment.

Most of these areas are prone to environmental accidents, like floods which may kill people who live around the lake.

This donation also will improve the welfare, and economic standards of these people, not forgetting their children.

I encourage government to continue implementing policies with good gestures that give the population some thing to be happy about.
