Selfish is what we can call them

This is in response to the story that run on Monday, 31st December 2007, in which police and military authorities in Gihundwe sector, on Saturday, set ablaze illegal fishing nets at Budiki fishing landing site.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This is in response to the story that run on Monday, 31st December 2007, in which police and military authorities in Gihundwe sector, on Saturday, set ablaze illegal fishing nets at Budiki fishing landing site.

Such immature acts should be condemned right from the word go and police has successfully demonstrated that.

What pleased me the most was that after the burning, fishermen and residents on the shores of Lake Kivu were urged to avoid using illegal fishing nets and to avoid fishing immature fish. Good mature fresh fish is a rare commodity in Rwanda.

So, fishing immature fish is not only an outright expression of greed for money but also selfishness.

I am also using this chance to ask every one to always preserve nature including Lake Kivu and its surroundings and to restrain it from illicit business.