Youth receive facilities to fight Aids

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — The Forum for non governmental organisations (NGOs) has donated an assortment of equipments to an anti Aids youth association-AJSCIDA- to help in the fight against Aids.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


MUSANZE — The Forum for non governmental organisations (NGOs) has donated an assortment of equipments to an anti Aids youth association-AJSCIDA- to help in the fight against Aids.

The equipments that included a motor cycle, computer, office stationery and a television set would facilitate anti-Aids activities among the youth this year.

AJSCIDA-association, received the donations as one of the outstanding NGOs to lead the fight against Aids in the province. Similar facilities were given to other qualifying NGOs involved in the fight against Aids across the country.

Handing over the equipments, the assistant coordinator of the District Aids control commission, Innocent Bisengimana, challenged all anti-Aids associations to step up the campaign against Aids in order to break the transmission chain of the virus.

AJSCSIDA is an anti-Aids umbrella association of students hailing from the North, which started in 2001. According to Philomena Ukundemariya, a counselor, the association also offers school fees to children whose parents died of Aids.
