‘Fight Aids from your homes’

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — Aids fight needs to start from homes, a district official has said.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


RUSIZI — Aids fight needs to start from homes, a district official has said.

Addressing residents recently at Cyangugu stadium, Deo Rugaju, the District director of health services, said parents and other responsible citizens needed to step up the fight against the Aids scourge from their respective areas of residence.

"Since charity begins at home, I urge you as concerned citizens and parents of tomorrow’s generation to fight against Aids right from your homes; because that is when it will become easier for our country to combat it,” Rugaju said.

He also advised residents to go for voluntary HIV testing in order to know their status and to always be faithful to their spouses or to use condoms.

HIV positive mothers were also encouraged to always give birth from health centers to avoid mother to child infection of the virus.

Residents were further asked to avoid stigma directed towards Aids patients; but rather offer them counseling and any other necessary support.

Rugaju also urged residents to adopt family planning service in order to produce a few manageable children.
