Refuge claims have no basis

WE reported, yesterday, that over 1000 Rwandans who fled to Uganda between April and March this year, alleging persecution, have been given until the end of June to return home.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

WE reported, yesterday, that over 1000 Rwandans who fled to Uganda between April and March this year, alleging persecution, have been given until the end of June to return home.

These people who fled to Uganda and claimed that they were being persecuted in Rwanda were denied refugee status by the Ugandan authorities because their claims are baseless as the Minister for refugees ad disaster preparedness said.

Rwandans today are proud to have a government that encourages them to return home and contribute towards the development and transformation of their country. Today, no one can be denied the right to citizenship in Rwanda as was the case before 1994.

It has been confirmed that those claiming persecution in this era, have other motives other than the reasons they advance to make their refugee claims. It is well known that some people seeking economic opportunities, claim refugee status. Others, who ran way from Rwanda in 1994, may have committed crimes that they may not want to account for.

Rwandans, everywhere, are aware that the country has undergone tremendous change for the better. And there is absolutely no reason to leave the country claiming persecution, since there are institutions that are responsible for redressing any grievances that may arise.

Therefore, those bent on staying out of the country for whatever motives, ought to look for other reasons to justify their claims.
