THE HATER : I hate people who…

…don’t know which team to support in the World Cup. It is annoying that some people still claim not to know which football team to support just because Rwanda is not one of the 32 countries playing in the tournament. This is Africa’s World Cup and if by now you don’t know which team to support, I suggest you stop reading this right now and go to bed.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

…don’t know which team to support in the World Cup.

It is annoying that some people still claim not to know which football team to support just because Rwanda is not one of the 32 countries playing in the tournament. This is Africa’s World Cup and if by now you don’t know which team to support, I suggest you stop reading this right now and go to bed.

This column is not for indecisive losers like you. If you are waiting for Rwanda to play in the World Cup then you still need to rehearse for that and this year’s tournament is a good start. Now blow your Vuvuzela and blow it loud and proud.

…claimed they would go to South Africa but…

In 2004 when FIFA announced that this year’s tournament would be held on the African continent for the very first time, some jokers claimed that they would make the trip to South Africa to watch the games live. The reason I hate these jokers now is because I still see many of them here in Kimironko, Kicukiro, Kabeza, etc. I actually see many of them fighting for taxis at Rubangura’s!

Hey I thought you were supposed to be somewhere in Johannesburg or Pretoria fighting to enter the stadium not an old taxi. Next time you are talking about attending a tournament; don’t be afraid to say its CECAFA and not the World Cup.

…are suffering injuries and not playing in the World Cup.

The World Cup is on and I am definitely in the mood for more football right now. I am however angry that some of the football stars are not playing because they were injured before the World Cup. Do these guys know how much agony we are going through by watching a tournament without them in it?

I very much remember the guy at the shop where I bought my TV telling me, "Boss uzareba ba Drogba, Essien, nabandi bose” but now I hear that Drogba, Essien, Ballack, Ferdinand and Nani among others are all injured. What the hell is this? FIFA should find a way of banning injuries before such a major event or it should give some of us a refund.

…try to break our hearts by their lousy commentaries.

The good thing is that The Hater is watching the games on a big screen with decent commentary. I however have to hate, on behalf of some of my readers, the guys who do commentaries on radio.

I know they do a good job for those who have no access to a TV but at the same time they attempt to break our hearts so many times. They keep screaming even when the ball is not in the net! Some have perfected a particular and annoying line. The presenter suddenly screams, "Igitegoooo!” A few seconds later, "Reka da!” The joker raises your spirits and immediately crashes them. Which station do these guys watch?    
…are interested in only negative issues about South Africa.

I hope this is the last time I am saying this. South Africa is hosting the football World Cup, period. I just hate those stupid journalists who instead of concentrating on the beautiful game are still going on and on about Zuma’s polygamy, high HIV rates, high crime rates etc. If you are not in South Africa for the World Cup, please go back to wherever you came from. Otherwise shut up and let us enjoy the game.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 758 545293.