What’s your phobia?

A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of something; everyone has a phobia, even the rich and famous, Napoleon Bonaparte who was the emperor of France suffered from Ailurophobia the fear of cats, Andréa Agassi is Arachinophobic or has a fear of Spiders.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of something; everyone has a phobia, even the rich and famous, Napoleon Bonaparte who was the emperor of France suffered from Ailurophobia the fear of cats, Andréa Agassi is Arachinophobic or has a fear of Spiders.

Adolph Hitler was claustrophobic, some phobias can be Serious and some funny, Tetraphobia is the fear of number 4, Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia.

Anatidaephobia   –fear of being watched by a duck

Nomophobia  -this modern phobia affects people who are afraid of losing cell phone contacts

Arachibutyrophobia -the fear of butter peanut sticking to the roof of the mouth Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia-the fear of big words Luposlipaphobia-is the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor Venustraphobia  -the fear of beautiful women

Aqua phobia  -the fear of water
Anthophobia  -the fear of flowers
Agyrophobia   –the fear of crossing roads
Atychiphobia  -the fear of failure

Chorophobia  - is the fear of dancing
Decidophobia  -the fear of making decisions
Emetophobia  -the fear –fear of vomiting
Erotophobia   –the fear of sexual love or sexual questions
Elotophobia   –the fear of being laughed at
Genophobia   –the fear of sexual intercourse
Heptephobia   –the fear of being touched

Megalopolis   –the fear of large objects
Panphobia   –fear of everything or the unknown
Phagophobia  -the fear of swallowing
Sociophobia  -the fear of people or social events
Scopophobia  -fear of being looked at or being stared at
Somnikphobia  -the fear of sleeping

Cronophobia   –the fear of time or the pass of time
Crematophobia   –the fear of money
Peladophobia   -the fear of bald-people
Geliophobia  -the fear of laughter
Micro phobia   –the fear of small things
Neophobia   –the fear of new things
Plutophobia   –the fear of wealth
Pteronophobia  -the fear of being tickled by a feather
Testophobia   –the fear of tests

Xanthophobia   –the fear of yellow color or the word yellow
Ailurolphobia   - the fear of cats
 Cacophobia  - this is the fear of ugliness
Ecclessiophobia  -the fear of going to church
Athagoraphobia  -is the fear of being forgotten
Ephebiphobia  - fear of teenagers
