The secret life of... : Isaac Mbabazi

Isaac Mbabazi is a producer also known as Lick Lick, the Director of Unlimited Production music studio in Nyamirambo. He started as an employee with ONB production studio later to F2K until he managed to implement his plans to own one.

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lick Lick

Isaac Mbabazi is a producer also known as Lick Lick, the Director of Unlimited Production music studio in Nyamirambo. He started as an employee with ONB production studio later to F2K until he managed to implement his plans to own one.

 Below he shares more with you:  

The first thing you do in the morning
I check my missed calls

When are you happiest?
When my work is appreciated by my clients

Greatest fear
Getting married

Affectionate memory of your parents
Visiting me when I was in a secondary school 
The most important thing life has taught you
To never trust people

Greatest achievement
My efforts in making artistes like The Ben and Meddy reach their current stand

During your free time
I have a good time with my colleagues

Retirement plans
I will stay in Zambia because I love that country